The main pedestrian entrance to the Arts Complex is located at 14th Street & Curtis Street in downtown Denver. For ride share, please use 1001 14th Street as your drop-off or pick-up point.

If you are driving, navigate to the garage entrance using Google Maps.



Denver Performing Arts Complex Map, 2024, JPG

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Navigating the Complex

We look forward to welcoming you to the Arts Complex! Here's a map of the venues and spaces to help you find where you're going. If you have questions prior to your arrival, please call (720) 865-4220 or fill out the Contact Us form and a member of our patron services team will get back to you within 2 business days. 

Wheelchair accessible ramps are located throughout the Arts Complex starting curbside at 14th and Curtis streets. Additional drop-off locations at curbside ramps are located at 13th St. underneath the Arts Complex and outside the Jones Theatre at the corner of Speer Blvd. & Arapahoe St. Visit the Accessibility page for more information. 


Please arrive early and explore alternative transportation or nearby parking options.
There is no free parking at the Arts Complex. The Arts Complex garage quickly fills with daytime events, evening performances, and downtown traffic. It often reaches capacity on evenings and weekends, causing congestion in the surrounding streets before shows. 

The Denver Performing Arts Complex parking garage does not offer advance parking reservations through our site, nor third party websites.

Please note, payment options at the Arts Complex Garage include: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Apple Pay, Google Pay. We do not accept cash or American Express. There is a reverse ATM, cash-to-card machine located on the Galleria near the elevator banks closest to 14th Street. 




Arts Complex Garage

Parking Rates

Pay upon Entrance

• Event - $17 
• Event Rates apply all day Saturday and Sunday, and begin two hours before large events. View the monthly Event Rate Calendar for start times.

Pay upon Exit

• Early Bird (in by 7:30 a.m. & out by 6 p.m.) - $10 
• < 1 hour - $6 
• 1-2 hours - $8 
• 2-5 hours - $12 
• 5-8 hours - $16 
• 8-12 hours - $18 
• 12-24 hours - $22 
• Each additional 12 hours - $12 
• Lost Ticket - $30

Please note, payment options at the Arts Complex Garage include: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Apple Pay, Google Pay. We do not accept cash or American Express. There is a reverse ATM, cash-to-card machine located on the Galleria near the elevator banks closest to 14th Street. 

Accessible Parking

• Accessible parking is located on all levels near the elevators
• A state-issued placard or license plate is required to park in accessible parking spaces
• Wheelchair ramps are located in the parking garage on levels 3, 4 and 5

Arts Complex Garage General Information

• Located on-site at the Arts Complex and can accommodate 1,550 vehicles
• 24/7 automated access
• The height clearance is 6'10" 
• Accessible parking is located on all levels near the elevators
• Eelectric Vehicle charging spots are available on Level 4. Parking at these spots is limited to four hours.
• Garage is cashless on entry and exit 
• Cash is accepted only during hourly rate timeframes for pay-on-exit when paying at the pay-on-foot machines in the Galleria prior to getting to your vehicle for departure
• Garage accepts: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Apple Pay, Google Pay. We do not accept cash or American Express. There is a reverse ATM, cash-to-card machine located on the Galleria near the elevator banks closest to 14th Street. 

Parking Garage Office

If you need assistance with parking in the Arts Complex garage, the parking office is located in the Galleria across from the Helen Bonfils Theatre Complex. The office is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. You can also call (303) 607-9093 or email

Arts Complex Garage Monthly Parking

• Available 4 a.m. – 6 p.m. Monday-Friday
• 30 day Cancellation Notice
• Minimum One Month Contract
• Monthly Fee: $195/month
• For additional information on monthly parking, email

How to Use the New Parking System Video: Pay Upon Exit

Pay Upon Exit Instructions:

1. At entry, parking gate machine will produce a ticket. Keep this ticket; you will need this to exit the garage.
2. Find a parking spot and enjoy your event!
3. After the show, proceed to exit gate. 
4. Scan your entry ticket. 
5. Your fee will be displayed.
6. Insert your credit card for payment (Visa, Mastercard, Discover Card). The parking machines also accept Apple Pay and Google Pay.
7. Take your receipt. 
8. The gates will open for you to exit the garage.

How to Use the New Parking System: Pay Upon Entry During Event Rate Times

Event Rates apply all day Saturday and Sunday, and begin two hours before large events. View the monthly Event Rate Calendar for start times.

Pay Upon Entry Instructions:

1. At entry, press button on parking gate machine.
2. Your fee will be displayed.
3. Insert your credit card for payment (Visa, Mastercard, Discover Card). The parking machines also accept Apple Pay and Google Pay.
4. The parking gate machine will produce a ticket. Keep this ticket; you may need this to exit the garage.
5. Find a parking spot and enjoy your event!
6. After the show, proceed to exit gate. After most events, the exit gates will open automatically as you approach.
7. It the gate does not open, scan your entry ticket. The gate will then open.

Call 720-865-4320 or email for assistance. 

Nearby Parking Options

Click on the Interactive Parking Map to view nearby parking options. If you're not planning to park in the Arts Complex garage, we suggest you avoid turning on Arapahoe Street from either direction and do not turn right on 13th from Arapahoe Street as these areas backup quickly. 

Interactive Parking Map

Alternative Transportation

alternative travel.png

  • Use a ride-sharing service. 
  • Use the RTD Trip Planner - Rail lines D, F and H all stop at the Theatre District-Convention Center station and multiple bus routes stop within one block of the complex. 
  • Rent a Scooter or Bike. 
  • While there are no designated bike racks on campus, some are located nearby on Champa St., 14th St. and Arapahoe St. 
  • There is a scooter corral at Champa and 14th Streets

Low-stress bike routes to The Denver Performing Arts Complex from anywhere in Denver.