All year long, Denver Arts & Venues presents free and low-cost programming at the Arts Complex for everyone to enjoy, elevating the cultural experience, not only inside our venues, but also in every corner of the campus. We use proceeds from paid events at City venues like Red Rocks Amphitheatre and Denver Performing Arts Complex to make these events and other cultural programming possible, and to improve access to art, music and culture for all.
We hope you will join us at an upcoming event!
Denver's Cultural Plan highlights accessibility as one of its main guiding principles with a collective goal to ensure arts, culture and creativity are truly inclusive and accessible to all. We want everyone to experience the magic that happens under the glass canopy of the Arts Complex.
Each year, we create a full roster of programming that we hope connects to anyone interested in participating and we are always open to new ideas. We have outdoor movie nights, immersive theatre, digital art experiences, unconventional performances and placemaking, holiday programming, poetry slams and puppet poetry slams, storytelling, singing, dancing, fashion and so much more.
Occasionally, we bring in national or even international artists, but we like to focus on highlighting the amazing talent from our local artists and groups. In 2019, we worked with more than 50 different creative individuals and cultural organizations to program 100 community-style events throughout the year.